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Veditor Combo Editor | 17 Modules | V1


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VEditor is a powerful commandline utility to work with combolists

****    EDITING      ****
1 - Lower Case Password
2 - Upper Case Password
3 - E;P -> U;P
4 - U;P -> E;P
5 - Replace Separator
6 - Replace Domain
7 - Domain Filter
8 - E;P, U;P -> P;E, P;U

****    CLEANING     ****
1 - Clean Combo
2 - Remove Dupes
3 - Remove Capture

****    SORTING      ****
1 - Randomize Lines
2 - Sort Alphabetically
3 - Split Combo
4 - Save Emails
5 - Save Passwords
6 - Combine Combos



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