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[Quark Drainer] Seaport 1.5 | Blur&X2Y2 | Fix metamask | Permit

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Sorry for the absence from the forum, are you ready for the updates?

- Added OpenSea API v2 for searching NFTs

- Fixed optimism network operation

- It's now possible to set the percentage of gas the drainer leaves on the victim's wallet.

- It is now possible to disable token scanning via the native evaluator to reduce scanning time.

- Changed Create2 bypass logic to optimise server resources

- Added Create2 method support for NFT transfer and SAFA output methods.

- Other minor improvements and fixes to issues found in version 02.2024


Ready for the big news?

Coming soon...

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  • 2 months later...

We are pleased to announce that the Quark Drainer has gained a set of new features that allow it to effectively bypass transaction simulators such as WalletGuard and Pocket Universe.

This is achieved by overriding the request to redirect the target's RPC calls and hiding the current interaction from targeted anti-phishing tools. This can render transaction simulators ineffective as a defence against Quark Drainer in such scenarios, as these tools will not be able to detect the drainer unless the domain of the phishing site is explicitly blacklisted.

Another method used to bypass the security measures of wallet protection tools such as BlockAid is to generate untagged contract addresses if the value of the stolen assets exceeds a predetermined minimum threshold. This approach is effective because it differs from the typical approach of simply simulating a pending transaction. Instead, BlockAid checks to see if a known malicious address is involved in the transaction.

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TON Drainer added

-Telegram Wallet
-TON Wallet

after balance check functions:
-Transfer Ton
-Transfer Jetton
-Transfer NFT

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Hello everyone, Many clients have asked to add a completely anonymous feedback in the Tor.
We are ready to provide our Tor panel.
Now all feedback can be viewed completely safely, you will also be able to receive all updates on the .onion network.
In fact, a convenient chat with a communication panel between us and our clients has been created.
For clients wishing to access our Tor panel, please write https://t.me/quarkdev

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Hello, new networks have been added:


- ⛎ Linea - native (erc20)

- 📜 Scroll - native (erc20)

- Ⓜ️ Mode - native (erc20)

- 🦉 Gnosis - native (erc20)

- 🔺 Aurora - native (erc20)

- 🌙 Moonbeam- native (erc20)

- 🌙 Moonriver - native (erc20)

- 🧨 Fuse - native (erc20)

- ⛓️ Fraxtal - native (erc20)

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Software for twitter with full functionality, free.

-Token converter
-Token checker
-User ID to Username
-Username to User ID
-Password changer
-Profile changer

-Followers scraper
-Following scraper
-Likers scraper
-Retweeters scraper
-Repliers scraper

-Mass liking
-Mass retweeting
-Mass bookmarking
-Mass following
-Mass unliking
-Mass unretweeting
-Mass unbookmarking
-Mass unfollowing
-Mass DMing
-Mass mentioning
-Mass quoting

-Get unique entries
-Token extractor

We made history in that industry.

Spots are limited.

Join our channel: https://t.me/quarkdrainer

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  • 1 month later...

I'm ready to leave a review. After a month of work.

This is the best project I've ever seen. Such functionality, automation, information is not just anywhere. It is enough to be not a fucker to make friends with the chat and get information that some people sell for 10k$ on other forums - but this is not even the most valuable.

The only thing I regret is that I didn't find the project sooner, and I lost a lot of traffic with crappy offers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We worked with a person. Very responsible, does things very quickly, always in touch.
I highly recommend it 🙂

Codul meu : y9wv2g

BeMyEye. O aplicaÈ›ie de mobil unde poÈ›i face bani în câteva minute. Durează puÈ›in mai mult pana staff ul ÃŽÈ›i verifica 

misiunea .

Tot ce trebuie sa faci, e sa te înregistrezi cu codul meu (sau al unui prieten) È™i sa faci o misiune care consta în : 2 poze din unghiuri diferite a unui produs cumpărat (sampon), o poza la un cod de bare, È™i sa scrii cifra 5 când te vor Ã®ntreba câte cutii de lapte se afla în imagine.


Banii pot fi scoși prin iBan sau PayPal.


Vei primi 1 euro pentru ca ai adaugat codul meu si 1 euro(sau 0.2 euro, depinde de unde locuiti.) pentru prima misiune.


Daca locuiesti intr un oras mai populat, vei primi anumite misiuni. Sa fotografiezi un anumit produs, dintr-un anumit magazin; sa mergi dintr-un loc in altul; etc.. 


Dacă nu reușești sa scoți banii, îmi poți da PM și eu te voi ajuta.



Tin sa mentionez ca pozele sunt ale mele, daca doriti alte proofs, PM.



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