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Found 7 results

  1. QUARK LAB Crypto Drainer & Stealer We are an experienced team with a high-value product that comes with guarantees. Here's why we're awesome: Our expertise in the field is unmatched, ensuring top-notch quality. We stand by our premium product, offering unrivaled warranties and support. With years of experience under our belt, we bring a wealth of knowledge to the table. Our dedication to excellence drives us to deliver only the best to our customers. Trust in our proven track record to provide you with a product that exceeds expectations. 70+ members in private chat $60k+ average member earning Features lists are too long. Check our products here: Info Telegram keywords: crypto drainer nft crypto drainer wallet drainer crypto crypto drainer github what is a crypto drainer eth drainer crypto wallet drainer wallet drainer solana wallet drainer eth wallet drainer metamask wallet drainer solana wallet drainer github wallet drainer nft how to make a wallet drainer how to create a wallet drainer eth wallet drainer github wallet drainer crypto wallet drainer github wallet drain meaning wallet drainer contract wallet drainer code crypto wallet drainer wallet drainer eth github wallet drainer what is a wallet drainer nft wallet drainer wallet drainer script wallet drainer smart contract wallet drainer solana wallet draining contract monkey drainer monkey drainer eth monkey drainer github monkey drainer contract monkey drainer telegram monkey drainer phishing monkey drainer script monkey drainer twitter monkey drainer phishing kit nft drainer solana nft drainer free nft drainer nft drainer script nft drainer github wallet drainer nft nft crypto drainer bnb drainer crypto stealer Ethereum Optimism Cronos BSC Gnosis Fuse Heco Polygon Fantom zkSync Polygon zkEVM Moonbea, Moonriver Avalanche Arbitrum Celo Base Pulse Transfer Seaport 1.5 Opensea SetApprovalForAll Signature Metamask private Approve Permit 2.0 Uniswap Permit 1 Smart contract native main network coin Airdrop Claim Reward Swap Router Withdraw ERC 721 1155 BLUR X2Y2 Moonbirds Sushiswap Uniswap PancakeSwap stealer macos windows windows 11 windows 10 windows 12 macos 13 macos 12 macos 14 Sonoma
  2. Name: Ox Age: 25 What kind of services do you offer?: Our team are offer some programming services: Development: - Software with graphical interface - Console applications - Scripts - Overcoming almost any defenses (only for lawful purposes) - Android requests automation(apk, web, http/s, api), parsing - BAS development - Sorting data into any convenient format - txt, excel, etc. (*if it is needed) - Working with databases ○ Automation: - Web requests, any tasks (routine and monotonous tasks, any actions in the browser, simplifying the workflow and increasing efficiency, automating business processes) ○ Scraping: - Competitors data - collecting information on prices of goods and services, specifications, photos and other characteristics from competitors' websites, news and content ○ Other individual tasks. And also Web Development (Front&Backend): - Troubleshooting technical problems on your website (errors, problems with displayed elements and any other problems). - Integration of ready-made solutions into your website. - Implementation of various small tasks and projects (scripts, layout, etc.). - Other individual tasks and assistance. Price: Depending on complexity. Payment for a work is making only after proof of product functionality on our part. Main payment methods: Payeer, Perfect Money, Advcash. (+ BTC, ETH, LTC, ETH, PAYPAL, WEBMONEY, etc. (*when using these payment methods, you pay the commission)) Portfolio: - Contact details: Telegram, Whatsapp, Wechat, Skype, Snapchat, E-mail. (text variant) Telegram - @OxPrimary, Whatsapp - +15812799965, Wechat - @OxSupport, Skype - live:.cid.567af139798434dd, Snapchat - OxSupport, E-mail - Ox.code@outlook.com Other information: We ask you to provide the most detailed technical task, to make orientation easier for both of us. If you have difficulty with writing a correct task, we are ready to help you. The rules, which you consent when working with us: - Only you alone are responsible for the use of the product after its development. - We have the right to give up a product development at any time without giving reasons. - In the event of an unreasonable refusal on your part from the begun development of the product, we reserve the right to terminate further business with you. - Once development is completed and you receive the finished product, refunds are not provided. - In some cases, we may agree to begin work only after receiving an advance payment. - If difficulties arise during the development process, we have the right to extend the previously agreed development period. P.S. We are rarely visit the forum, if you have a need, please appeal by our contacts.
  3. Username:Robert.mt Creator (sau editor):Robert.mt Poze/Video în care prezinți index-ul/scriptul:https://prnt.sc/oVPp7G0BgDE2 Link Virustotal:https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/8952861f2c2cd85c6864c41d2f2c5c115784b4b46afcafb5f9344c8f110e34c3?nocache=1 Link download (cu hide): [Protected content] Alte precizări:Sall boiz, asta-i primul index facut de mine de la 0. Sper sa va placa (acesta contine protectie inspect+link-urile mele personale)
  4. Username: RobyBVG Varsta: 17 ani Ce fel de servicii oferi?: Web Development calitativ, crearea unui userpanel de la 0, pe absolut orice baza de date. Platforme laravel, etc. Pret: in functie de complexitate Detalii de contact: Discord: Roby#8843 & PM Alte precizari: Imi rezerv dreptul de a-mi selecta clientii.
  5. Romania Hackers https://www.romaniahackers.com Romania Hackers este o comunitate romaneasca pentru pasionatii de hacking, pentesting, bug hunting si multe altele. De asemenea este si o sursa mare de resurse de orice tip, cu leak-urile noaste premium ne diferentiem de celelalte comunitati. Ce este special la forum?: Ei bine, forum-ul are continut premium, nu trebuie sa lasi comentariu ca sa vezi hidden content-ul, nu o sa iti iei ban aiurea ca pe alte forum-uri si mereu o sa fie ceva nou. Ce putem gasi?: De la leak-uri premium la tutoriale orice tip pentru incepatori(si nu numai) pana la tutoriale de pentesting avansate, tool-uri premium si cam orice vrei sa gasesti, vei gasi. Updates?: Formul desi este pornit, este inca in lucru, vrem sa aducem cea mai premium experienta utilizatorilor. O sa facem sectiune de Cheats pentru jocuri precum csgo, pubg etc... De asemenea una si pentru web resources cum ar fi ipb, ips, xenforo, mybb etc.. Va las pe voi mai departe sa vizitati si sa faceti o recenzie, multumesc. Contact: Meowless#0001 sau pe forum intr-un dm.
  6. Servicii Web Development Contact: Server de Discord Instagram Facebook PM Pot face panel-uri, site-uri de prezentare, magazine online, etc. Portofoliu
  7. Ce are ca scop proiectul GlobalScripts ? Proiectul GlobalScripts a fost conceput cu ideea de a oferi servicii de web development profesionale la preturi accesibile oricui si nu numai pentru diferite domenii de activitate( companii, jocuri [SA:MP, RAGE:MP, FiveM, CS:GO, etc] ). De ce sa alegi GlobalScripts ? Un prim argument evidentiat este seriozitatea, increderea, profesionalismul si comunicarea pe care se bazeaza serviciile noastre. Un alt argument este reprezentat de lucrurile pe care ne bazam cel mai mult in momentul in care creem un website. Securitatea joaca un rol foarte important, suntem foarte atenti in ceea ce priveste acest aspect. Oferim website-uri rapide, fara erori de operare pentru asigurarea bunei functionari. Design-ul este creeat dupa preferintele clientilor, dar totodata suntem foarte deschisi si atenti in ceea ce priveste acest aspect pentru a oferi un design placut oricarei persoane. Cum se va desfasura comercializarea serviciilor ? Cum pot lua legatura cu echipa ? Pe langa pagina de prezentare, website-ul nostru dispune de o platforma de SHOP cu plati automate, tichete si alte functii folositoare pentru suport avansat si comercializare mai usoara a serviciilor. Poti beneficia de toate aceste facilitati doar prin creerea unui cont. Pentru orice informatie sau orice proiect trebuie sa deschizi un tichet pe platforma, iar in cel mai scurt timp posibil vei primi un raspuns. Esti pasionat de programare si vrei sa inveti ? Ai o problema pe care nu stii sa o rezolvi ? Comunitatea noastra are o solutie gratuita si pentru acest aspect. Aceasta beneficiaza de un FORUM bine structurat pentru mai multe ramuri ale programarii, moderate de persoane specializate pe domeniul respectiv sau membrii ai comunitatii care vor sa ofere ajutor gratuit. Prin urmare te asteptam cu un cont si pe forum. De precizat, aceasta nu se bazeaza doar pe SA:MP, se bazeaza pe programare in general. Pentru o comunicare mai buna va asteptam si pe serverul nostru de DISCORD. Totodata apreciem si o sustinere pe paginile de FACEBOOK si INSTAGRAM. WEBSITE: https://globalscripts.ro/ SHOP: https://shop.globalscripts.ro/ FORUM: https://forum.globalscripts.ro/ DISCORD: https://discord.gg/mpdSQKr2MM
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