Primesti acele erori deoarece ultima versiune de YSI foloseste alte sintaxe pentru publicul OnPlayerCommandPerformed respectiv OnPlayerCommandReceived.
Lista de erori
// The majority of these are even - odd numbers return "1" not "0".
COMMAND_ZERO_RET = 0 , // The command returned 0.
COMMAND_OK = 1 , // Called corectly.
COMMAND_UNDEFINED = 2 , // Command doesn't exist.
COMMAND_DENIED = 3 , // Can't use the command.
COMMAND_HIDDEN = 4 , // Can't use the command don't let them know it exists.
COMMAND_NO_PLAYER = 6 , // Used by a player who shouldn't exist.
COMMAND_DISABLED = 7 , // All commands are disabled for this player.
COMMAND_BAD_PREFIX = 8 , // Used "/" instead of "#", or something similar.
COMMAND_INVALID_INPUT = 10, // Didn't type "/something".
Exemplu de folosire:
public e_COMMAND_ERRORS:OnPlayerCommandReceived(playerid, cmdtext[], e_COMMAND_ERRORS:success)
if(success == COMMAND_UNDEFINED) // daca comanda nu exista
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Aceasta comanda nu exista");
return COMMAND_OK;
if(!playerLogat[playerid]) // daca nu este logat
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "Trebuie sa te loghezi pentru a avea acces la comenzi.");
return COMMAND_OK;
if(jucatorInActiuneImportanta[playerid] == 1) // daca este intr-o actiune
sendError(playerid, "Nu poti folosi comenzi in aceasta actiune.");
return COMMAND_OK;
return COMMAND_OK;