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CarloH last won the day on December 24 2018

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About CarloH

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  1. Username: CarloH Varsta: 18 Ce fel de servicii oferi?: free temporary mail / code sharing / many other scripts incoming Pret: gues what nigger, it's free Detalii de contact: Discord: Carlo#0002 Alte precizari: am folosit tmailul pentru steam so enjoy. https://carl0.xyz
  2. nu recomand, servicii de cacao dupa cum observati si shitul de 'platforma' cu care se da mare
  3. Proiect incheiat. https://github.com/carlohera/carl0.ml---account-generator
  4. I am releasing this script because some people asked me if they can buy it.. so there you go. Todo list Modify inc/database.php + AdminPanel/inc/database.php + php/database.php + AdminPanel/php/database.php Install ioncube on your server to make website work Edit .httaccess with your website address (2 .httaccess files, one in main folder, one in AdminPanel) For support please contact me! Contact Discord: Carlo#0002 Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/carlohera Email: bbx.carlo@yahoo.com You are free to edit&customize your website but you should not remove any credits/API you find in website. Any credits modifications will make your site taken down. LINK: https://github.com/carlohera/carl0.ml---account-generator
  5. Probabil au fost luate deja, go premium for better results ????
  6. Va ajut daca vreti, imi spuneti ce aveti nevoie si va spun cat va costa.
  7. Te pot ajuta, lasa-mi pe discord o lista cu ce ti-ai dorii la serverul tau si iti spun cat te costa. Carlo#0002
  8. Link-ul necenzurat il aveti aici -> https://carl0.ml/generator/communitychat.php Am gasit vreo 3 de netflix (le-am urcat pe generator deja), daca gasiti si voi ceva nu schimbati parola, doar folositi-va de conturi pentru ca ownerul contului poate sa-l recupereze. #enjoy
  9. Update la design, loguri, securitate, pagini noi. enjoy it.
  10. cele leaked au callback-uri, tu n-ai de unde sa stii ce-s alea d-aia iti dai cu parerea aiurea :))
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