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Everything posted by AleXw0w

  1. Gata, am mai modificat niste chestii, am pus ce mi-ai dat tu si acum merge, ms >3
  2. Nu mai conteaza, il las normal fara procent.
  3. if(PlayerInfo[pShowGoal] != 0) { new Float:percentamount = ServerGoal / SERVER_GOAL * 100; PlayerTextDrawShow(i, ServerGoalPTD[0]); PlayerTextDrawShow(i, ServerGoalPTD[1]); format(string, sizeof(string), "Server Goal (%.0f%s)", percentamount, "%"); PlayerTextDrawSetString(i, ServerGoalPTD[0], string); format(string, sizeof(string), "~g~$%s~w~ out of ~y~$%s", FormatNumber(ServerGoal), FormatNumber(SERVER_GOAL)); PlayerTextDrawSetString(i, ServerGoalPTD[1], string); updatesvgoal(i); } Este deja la functia Timers si tot degeaba
  4. Intrebare: Cum pot sa adaug procentaj la un Job Goal? Ai încercat să faci ceva înainte să postezi?: Da, am luat o "functie" de calcul de pe net, dar vad ca nu merge, apare mereu 0%, iar cand se umple goal-ul apare 100%, dar in rest nu se modifica... ServerGoal = cat s-a strans. SERVER_GOAL = cat trebuie strans. new Float:percentamount = ServerGoal / SERVER_GOAL * 100; PlayerTextDrawShow(i, ServerGoalPTD[0]); PlayerTextDrawShow(i, ServerGoalPTD[1]); format(string, sizeof(string), "Server Goal (%.0f%s)", percentamount, "%"); PlayerTextDrawSetString(i, ServerGoalPTD[0], string); format(string, sizeof(string), "~g~$%s~w~ out of ~y~$%s", FormatNumber(ServerGoal), FormatNumber(SERVER_GOAL)); PlayerTextDrawSetString(i, ServerGoalPTD[1], string); POZA:
  5. #include <sampvoice> new SV_GSTREAM:player_stream[MAX_PLAYERS]; // Global variable that will hold the stream for each player public OnGameModeInit() { sv_init(6000, SV_FREQUENCY_VERY_HIGH, SV_VOICE_RATE_100MS); // Initializing plugin's settings return 1; } public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { // Checking availability and relevance of the client plugin if(sv_get_version(playerid) == SV_NULL) { SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You don't have SampVoice installed"); } else if(sv_get_version(playerid) < SV_VERSION) { SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You're holding an old version of the plugin, possibly incompatiable. update it."); } // Checking microphone availability if(!sv_has_micro(playerid)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "You don't have a microphone connected. You can head, but not talk."); } // Creating a global stream for the player and connecting him to it player_stream[playerid] = sv_gstream_create(); sv_stream_player_attach(player_stream[playerid], playerid); // Installation of player microphone activation keys sv_set_key(playerid, 0x32); // 0x32 - this is the code for the key '2' return 1; } public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid) { sv_stream_delete(player_stream[playerid]); // Deleting global player stream return 1; } public SV_BOOL:OnPlayerVoice( SV_UINT:playerid, // ID of the sender SV_PACKET:packet, // Packet descriptor SV_UINT:volume // Volume level [0-32768] ) { sv_send_packet(packet, player_stream[playerid]); // Sending back to the player return SV_TRUE; // Delete the packet? (SV_TRUE - yes, SV_FALSE - no) }
  6. Am pus un link unde ai tot codul care l-am pus in gamemode ????
  7. Salut, as vrea sa primesc si eu ajutor de la un membru de pe acest forum sa ma ajute pentru a pune SA:MP Voice pe gamemode burned, am incercat sa-l pun si imi da cateva erori cum ca anumite functii nu sunt definite si am bagat tot ce era in folderul respectiv. LINK: https://github.com/CyberMor/sampvoice - Am dat pe un link de mai jos si am luat versiunea 2.4 pentru linux (am un server pe host), dar am luat si versiunea de windows. POZA:
  8. Este un client care se instaleaza in sa:mp, dar imi da crash...
  9. Imi da si crash programul...
  10. Nu stiu ce as putea face sa mearga odata, am incercat sa pun cam peste tot SetVehicleVirtualWorld.
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