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Everything posted by pericsq_0

  1. Topic inchis PERMANENT... Informatii false (setate)
  2. Tu ce faci on? vrei sa vorbesc iar cu Error404? :))

  3. This is a security release and we recommend all clients upgrade as soon as possible. Key Changes This is our November security and maintenance release. Key changes include: Report Center updates. Email notification when dormant accounts sign in. SEO Improvements. Hot Topic updates for Cloud customers. Updated share link functionality (click to copy). Prepare for v5 - A new AdminCP page to ensure you will be able to use v5. Content Spam analysis enabled for all Cloud customers. Additional Information Security Fixed a potential stored XSS issue, thanks to Colonel_mortis for reporting. Core Added a default timeout for the SMTP connection. Added Message-ID generation for SMTP emails, for compatibility with SMTP servers that do not follow the RFCs. Added email notification for users signing in to dormant accounts. Added a requirement for CAPTCHA to be enabled for guests to use post before registering. Improved IndexNow error logging. Improved consistency with share links popups and added click to copy URL. Improved the Report Center, adding new functionality and improving the user experience. Optimised deleting member content. Fixed an issue where changing a primary or secondary group for a member wouldn't reset the cached value. Fixed an issue where permanently deleting content from the ModCP-Report Center would fail. . Fixed a wrong path in the robots.txt file. Fixed an issue where deleting nodes could throw an error. Fixed an issue where some club containers could throw an error. Fixed an issue where member profiles could be broken if a member had an invalid group. Fixed an issue where search can be slow on very large communities. Fixed an issue where the member history may show a wrong "by" name. Fixed an issue where the diagnostics statistics settings wouldn't save successful. Fixed an issue with the admin stream settings, where the "Active Members" Setting wouldn't be saved. Fixed an issue where the clubs widget could throw an error when a custom field filter for a deleted field is being used. Fixed an issue where creating a stream in the ACP wouldn't show all available nodes. Fixed an issue where streams could not always be sorted correctly. Fixed an issue with Firefox, where one couldn't break out of the quote box by pressing enter twice. Fixed an issue in the core-webhooks documentation. Fixed an issue where automatic moderation rules couldn't be created if there were no report types. Fixed an issue where the s3 deletion task wouldn't be enabled. Fixed an issue where promoted Comments could not be removed from Promoted Content. Removed the deprecated hive task. Removed the ping call to the deprecated Google Sitemap Service. Events Replaced the h2 header on the landing page with an h1 element. Commerce Added Canonical URLs for /store and /subscriptions. Added robots.txt rule to block ?currency= (currency changer links). Updated the code to support the new MaxMind API version. Fixed an issue where subscriptions with no expiration threw an error when calculating upgrade cost. Fixed an issue where multiple currencies could be set as the default. Fixed an issue with reactivating purchases. Gallery Fixed an issue where moving images from an album wouldn't rebuild the total images count. Downloads Fixed an issue where editing the member restrictions would throw an exception when downloads app was enabled. Forums Optimised topic summary for busy communities. Fixed issues with JSON-LD/Schema.org markup in Q&A mode. Fixed an issue where publishing a future topic manually wouldn't update the topics publish date & time. Fixed an issue where approving a topic may not immediately update the number of topics pending approval. Fixed an issue where archived posts were not included in the post counts. Fixed an issue where topics you have posted in are not always marked with a star. Pages Fixed an issue where creating comments via REST wouldn't show the comment when comments were synced with forum posts. Fixed an issue where records from club categories were showing in feeds incorrectly. Added a description field to the Club Category form. Fixed an issue where the club name was not displaying in feeds for club records and comments. Fixed an issue where Map fields were showing on the form for non-Address fields. Courses Fixed an issue where the quiz questions were missing the formatting while taking the quiz. Platform Enabled content Spam Analysis, can be disabled via AdminCP > Smart Community > Spam Analysis. Improved hot/popular topics for Cloud customers; Added ability to disable. Added ability add Live Topics to Club Calendars and convert to Club Forums. Converters Fixed an issue where Polls are not converted correctly during SMF conversions. Changes affecting third-party developers and designers Updated PHPUserAgent to 1.0.9. JSON-LD BreadcrumbList now includes the breadcrumb for the page being viewed. Redis now uses a reader for lRange. Optimised fetching online user list when using Redis. DOWNLOAD [Protected content]
  4. asta am vrut sa zic sa faci promocode pentru baieti ca altfel i dadeam delete la topic
  5. Frumoasa firma... Vreau si eu un vps pentru leaks
  6. Ce-mi place :)) nu mai sunt boti pe forum 😊

  7. imi place mult culoarea de la gradu asta 🥺💚

  8. Promovari: @lordcara a fost promovat la functia de Mod. Web.. bine ai venit in echipa!
  9. [08/11/2024] Aplicațiile pentru funcția de moderator au fost deschise. Avem locuri disponibile pentru categoriile: IT Developers Other Leaks English
  10. Username: pericsq Nume gamemode: b-hood Creator (sau editor): hpq Poze/Video în care prezinți modul de joc: youtube.com/pericsq Link Virustotal: - Link download: [Protected content] Alte precizări: nu ofer support
  11. Modificari Staff @pericsq_0 a reprimit functia de administrator oferita de @Emrys @Skyled, @L0K3D, @Kedoo au primit grad special (manager)
  12. Nu se zice.. e tip secret stiu bre.. imi place sa-mi bat pla de cineva :)) NU DAU NUME
  13. broo.. eu te inteleg dar nu e public archive ca n-ai ce sa iei de pe leaks doar niste servere de samp/fivem si cateva leak-uri "bune" in rest au facut boti ce au vrut din forum efectivu ca @keNN. uita sa plateasca webu si forumul a ajuns la faza asta sa devina foarte slab pe fiecare an... logic ca a devenit o activitate foarte slaba ca lumea nu mai stau pe samp prefera alte jocuri si alte resurse precum "RedM, RageMP".... am uitat sa te mentionez si pe tine... DOAR REGII STIU CINE-I DELETED USER
  14. Petiție pentru Reînceperea Moderării pe Comunitatea Leaks România Pe data de 2 septembrie, la ora 21:11, domnul Krusher a anunțat reluarea procesului de moderare, dar, din păcate, acesta a dispărut fără să ofere detalii suplimentare. De atunci, forumul a fost inundat de linkuri periculoase cu viruși și situația a scăpat de sub control. Prin această petiție, solicităm readucerea administratorilor pericsq și quix, care au demonstrat (unul dintre ei) în trecut că pot gestiona eficient comunitatea și pot asigura o experiență sigură și de calitate pentru toți utilizatorii. Obiectivele acestei petiții sunt următoarele: Revenirea pericsq în funcția de administrator împreună cu quix, pentru a readuce forumul la standardele de odinioară, unde securitatea și organizarea erau prioritare. Eliminarea linkurilor periculoase și a altor conținuturi necorespunzătoare care au afectat negativ experiența utilizatorilor. Restabilirea ordinii și a moderării active, pentru a ne asigura că comunitatea Leaks România revine la vechea sa glorie. Mai mult decât atât, situația s-a agravat atunci când domnul KeNN, responsabil pentru plata serviciului de găzduire web, a uitat să efectueze plata, afectând astfel funcționarea forumului și accesul utilizatorilor. Susținem revenirea celor doi administratori care au făcut comunitatea un loc sigur și util pentru toți membrii săi. Invităm toți utilizatorii să semneze această petiție și să sprijine această cauză pentru binele forumului. Scrieți mai jos dacă vreți să revină Leaks-ul!
  15. @Shade vinde @ASGOOD gamemode misto
  16. pericsq_0


    Topic închis. Topicul a fost închis, pentru mai multe informații contactează un moderator responsabil.
  17. de ce ai dat bre edit :))) bine brothere... dai adm?
  18. mdea... unii nu inteleg sa faca ceva unicat oricum baiatu asta se duce in hotel
  19. Nu este vorba cine l-a cumpărat și ce upgrade i-ai făcut tu, că nu i-ai dat niciun upgrade, l-ai cumpărat cam gata făcut de la HPQ. Și nu e vorba de clickbait, viața mea... Panel-ul îl faci compatibil imediat dacă știi puțin PHP, și dacă băieții vor să cumpere un panel sau altceva, o să cumpere de la @KeNNy sau de la Wcode, nu de la cineva care are site-ul de doar câteva săptămâni... fără supărare. // bafta n hotel 🫶
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