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Everything posted by IanisFiveM
Prezentare Anti Cheat: ===================================================================================================== Menu de Administrador ► Un menu simple y eficaz. Anti Resource Stop ► Banea a las personas que intenten parar un Script :Anti Menu Injection ► Esta función detectara y protegera el server de cualquier mod menu basado en LUA Anti Godmode ► Esta funcion detecta si el jugador tiene god mode y se lo desactiva. Palabras prohibidas ► Esta funcion desconectara al jugador si escribe una palabra que este bloqueada. Anti Playerblips ► Detecta si un jugador tiene los Playersblips Anti Props/Peds ► Elimina automaticamente si detecta un Objeto/Ped. Anti Ped Attack ► Detecta y elimina los NPC en modo Combate. Anti Spectate ► Detecta si un jugador usa el spectate si no es admin. Anti Blacklist Weapons ► Detecta y elimina si un jugador tiene Armas prohibidas. Anti Blacklist Cars ► Detecta y elimina si un jugador se sube a un coche prohibido. Auto Ban/kick ► Opcion para banear o desconectar a un jugador. Anti Triggers ► Los Mod Menu no podran activar cosas(Carcel,Dinero,Revivir) Anti Black Key ► Detecta si un jugador pone una tecla prohibida. Discord Ban logs ► Todos los baneos se monstaran en sus logs de discord. Discord logs ► Logs de muerte, cuando entra un juegador y cuando sale Console logs ► En la consola se monstaran en colores los logs. Logs IG ► En el chat saldra los logs . ===================================================================================================== Link Downloand Anti Cheat:[Protected content]
Link Downloand : [Protected content] Ce contine acest server?: -Chat Fantasy ce am postat mai devreme -Setari telefon -Casino Unic -Sisteme unice
Link Downloand Anti Cheat: [Protected content] Poza cu Anti Cheat-ul: Acesta este un anticheat pentru fivem.
Link Downloand :[Protected content] ============================================================================ Acesta este un anti cheat foarte bun in opinia mea normal costa 40 de euro eu il dau gratis ============================================================================
Link Download.: [Protected content] Prezentarea telefonului :
Acest telefon functioneaza doar pe serverele facute pe ESX Link Download.: [Protected content] Prezentarea telefonului: https://streamable.com/xtrf0x
RegisterCommand("kickalljucatori", function(player, args) if player == 0 then local users = vRP.getUsers({}) for user_id,player in pairs(users) do DropPlayer(player,"Server-ul se restarteaza , reveniti intr-un minut.Pentru lista cu update , puteti vizita discord-ul") end end end, false) Comanda de respawn: RegisterCommand("respawn", function(player, args) local user_id = vRP.getUserId({player}) if vRP.hasPermission({user_id, "del.cleanup"}) then local target_id = parseInt(args[1]) local target_src = vRP.getUserSource({target_id}) if target_src then vRPclient.varyHealth(target_src,{100}) vRP.varyHunger({target_src,-100}) vRP.varyThirst({target_src,-100}) vRPclient.teleport(target_src, {-541.18426513672,-210.87506103516,37.649757385254}) local stuff = "[^1System^0] Se pare ca ai primit respawn de la un admin" TriggerEvent('mario:respawnall', stuff,"rosu",target_src,false) end end end, false) RegisterCommand('addgroup', function(source, args, rawCommand) local target_id = parseInt(args[1]) local group = args[2] local tplayer = vRP.getUserSource({tonumber(target_id)}) if(source == 0)then if tplayer ~= nil then print ("ai oferit gradul de".. group.."lui ID "..target_id) vRP.addUserGroup({target_id,group}) vRPclient.notify(tplayer,{"~y~Ai primit Gradul de ~g~"..group}) else print ("Playerul nu e pe server bossule") end else print("Ce incerci boss ?") end end) RegisterCommand("ban", function(source,args,rawCommand) if source == 0 then local id = args[1] id = parseInt(id) local reason = "" for i=1,10,1 do if args~= nil then reason = reason.." "..args end end local tsource = vRP.getUserSource({id}) vRP.ban({tsource,reason,"Consola"}) print("Banat cu succes") else print("Ba nene intelege si nu mai incerca din chat :)") end end) RegisterCommand("unban", function(source,args,rawCommand) if source == 0 then local id = args[1] id = parseInt(id) vRP.setBanned({id,false}) print("Unban cu succes") else print("Ba nene intelege si nu mai incerca din chat :)") end end) RegisterCommand('anunt', function(source, args, msg) local anunt = table.concat(args, " ") local nume = GetPlayerName(source) local user_id = vRP.getUserId({source}) if vRP.hasPermission({user_id, "admin.tickets"}) then TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage', -1, "^5[Ninja] ^0Adminul ^5"..nume.." ^0 Anunta : ^5"..anunt.." ^0!") else TriggerClientEvent('chatMessage', source, "^8Nu ai acces la aceasta comanda") end end) "Comanda Chat Off/On" RegisterCommand('stopchat', function(source) local user_id = vRP.getUserId({source}) if vRP.isUserCoFondator({user_id}) then TriggerClientEvent("chat:clear", -1); if pornit then local stuff = "^1[System] ^0Chat-ul a fost oprit de catre : ^1"..GetPlayerName(source).."^0" TriggerEvent('alex:mesagefrumoase', stuff,"rosu",-1,false) pornit = false else local stuff = "^1[System] ^0Chat-ul a fost pornit de catre : ^1"..GetPlayerName(source).."^0" TriggerEvent('alex:mesagefrumoase', stuff,"rosu",-1,false) pornit = true end end end)
kaze romania roleplay [MODEL NERESPECTAT] Kaze Romania Roleplay
IanisFiveM posted a topic in Servers
Link Download. : [Protected content] =================================================================================== Ca va pot spune de acest server a avut 100 de playerii si are 2 scripturii unice mi se pare. =================================================================================== -
Link Download.: [Protected content] ======================================================================================= Daca aveti probleme cu acest sistem ma contactati pe discord la Ianis#0001 =======================================================================================
Link Download. Hud 1TAP: [Protected content] Poza Hud 1TAP: Link Download. Hud UGR: [Protected content] Poza Hud UGR:
Link Download : [Protected content] =============================================================================================================================================== Din pacate nu am baza de date acestui server daca doriti in maxim 3-4 ziile voi pune si baza de date acest server este faorte bine optimizat are consum 0 si se merita sa va bagati la o creatie cu acest server si plus e bun pentru incepatorii !! Si ce contine descoperiti voi ! ===============================================================================================================================================
IanisFiveM replied to IanisFiveM's topic in Archives
de la 0 scripting epicplay Server Epic Play Romania Roleplay (Vechi)
IanisFiveM posted a topic in Servers
Acesta este prim-ul meu server de FIvem facut de la 0 singura problema ce are server-ul si imi era lene sa rezolv este ca la factiuniile politie si medici nu sunt skinruii o sa va eximplific ce contine server-ul mai jos -Server medium-hard roleplay -Economie medie -Shoroom cu 100 de masinii -Factiuniile urmatoare de pe server : Politie,medici si hitman si inca 7 mafii (Toate factiuniile inclusiv mafiile au mapping personalizat) -Server bine optimizat -System de vip -Chat frumos -Grade de staff facute -Si cam atat mai multe descoperiti voi pe parcurs Link Download. : [Protected content] -
Preview: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/670391327464095760/670391353515180078/Hud.png [Protected content] Un system de rob foarte misto in opinia mea si dezvoltat [Protected content] [Resource Name]: fn_weaponshops [Resource Preview]: http://prntscr.com/sgtvzc http://prntscr.com/sgtx6u [Protected content] Cloting Store Rainbow are apucaturii de curcubeu [Protected content] System de PaintBall Credite Eskape: [Protected content] In urmatorul link de dowloand veti avea urmatoarele chestii: -Un system de remat -Un system de joburii -Si un system de pizzamaker [Protected content] Credite acestor scripturii in primul rand remat-ul e facut de mn si joburiile pizzamaker facut de un prieten
ZENTRIX ROMANIA NOU / ACTUAL [Protected content] CU BAZA DE DATE [Protected content]
Elite: [Protected content] Last Romania LS Original + baza de date : [Protected content] Krown Romania RP : [Protected content] last romania hard roleplay ultima versiune este cu tot cu sql: [Protected content] SPHYNX ROMANIA ROLEPLAY: [Protected content] Serverul Mercury Phantom Romania Roleplay Varianta Noua. :[Protected content] Server Joker Romania Paleto Bay :[Protected content] white romania vechi :[Protected content] Server Galaxy [Protected content] TRUST ROMANIA ROLEPLAY [Protected content] Server VIATA LA TARA [Protected content] Server Black Romania: [Protected content] Unique Romania RP [Protected content] Server LIONS Romania Roleplay [Protected content] Server BRKD Vechi [Protected content] Server ENERGY Last [Protected content] ONYX ROMANIA ROLEPLAY [Protected content] Old Time [Protected content] Elisyum Romania [Protected content] Kronic Romania [Protected content] Va urma sa pun un server cu un script unic fiti pe faza
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