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1. Tema: Fete 2. Autor: Mr.Smoke 3. Poze: - 4. Download: [Protected content]
Nume stock-uri:Stock-uri Noname Tipul stock-urilor[OBLIGATORIU]:Mix Poze stock-uri/Preview[OBLIGATORIU]: Spoiler https://imgur.com/a/q1imC Link download stock-uri: [Protected content]
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Download : http://www.psbrushes...0437/000437.zip
Acest FS este create de catre AdelS Video: https://www.youtube....O_mymAIGk#t=127 Textdraw-urile au fost create cu ajutorul TD Editorului lui Adri1 Este un FS foarte usor de folosit si are si un aspect frumos! Download: [Protected content]
Informatii v1.0: Acest System este bazat pe trei systeme: ZCMD, SSCANF si SQLite Am inceput sa lucrez la el acum 3 zile...cu pauze Systemul de V.I.P este cu 3 niveluri acestea se pot seta prin comanda /setvip care poate fii acesata numai de RCON Admin! In System-ul asta am folosit doua culori predominante si alea sunt: verde deschis si portocaliu Ca sa vedeti V.I.P - ii online tastati comanda /vips Acest system de V.I.P are un system prin care daca tastezi o comanda de V.I.P o vad toti V.I.P - ii care sunt online...Aceasta poate fii modificata din script doar dati // la VIPS_SEND_COMMAND Informatii v2.0: Am fixat doua bugguri enorme care au avut legatura cu setarea levelului la V.I.P + nu mergeau cateva comenzi Acest system are peste 35 de comenzi S-au fixat cateva bugguri minore din cateva comenzi! Am pus o functie: SendLevel( playerid, level ); in loc de "level" puneti ce level doriti intre 1 si 3 si va trimite clientmessajul daca puneti 1: va trimite You are not V.I.P level 1 to use...etc S-au adaugat cateva comenzi noi... Informatii v2.1: lAm pus aceasta versiune pentru ca s-au raportat bugguri! Bugg-ul din /vips care arata numai un vip online fixat! Bugg-ul din /vkick fixat in loc de PID, reason a pus param[0]si params[1] acum va merge Alt bug de care nici voi nu stiati este fixat cel din /stophold...este vorba despre un bug care trimitea la fiecare vip ca a folosit /stophold dar acum ii fixat! Alt bug de care nici de asta nu stiati era cel care daca iti seta cineva level-ul la 0 nu te stergea din database dar si acesta a fost reparat Acestea au fost buggurile reparate...FS-ul a fost testat ( pe host ) si totul mergea bine...dar daca mai gasiti un bug sa-l spuneti Comenzi V.I.P Level 1: /mytime -> Iti setezi timpul! /myweather -> Iti setezi vremea! /myvw -> Iti setezi virtual worldu! /mycolor -> Iti setezi culoarea de la nick name! /vspec -> Spectatezi un player! /vspecoff -> Te opresti din spec! /spawnme -> Te respawneaza! /vcmds -> Iti arata toate comenzile de V.I.P! New CMDS - Level 1: /ltc[1-13] -> Iti da o masina gata tunata! /viphouse -> Te teleporteaza in Jizzy Club (nteriorul puteti sa il schimbati) /godcar -> Masina indestructibila /vcar -> Masina care ii permisa doar V.I.Pilor (Buffalo) /vspa -> ( V.I.P Special Actions ) Este o comanda de "fun" in care am pus niste holduri si jetpack, puteti adauga mai multe sau orice doriti voi!( thx Zh3r0 ) /stophold -> Opreste holdurile pe care le-at pus din comanda /vspa( thx Zh3r0 ) Comenzi V.I.P Level 2: /vsaveskin -> Iti salveaza skin-ul si ti-l va da dupa ce te conectezi iar la server! /dontuseskin -> Daca ai un skin salvat, cu comanda asta nu vei mai avea nici unul! /vweapons -> Iti va da un set de arme pe care le puteti modifica din script am scris acolo! /vipgoto -> Nelipsita comanda /vipgoto, cu ea te teleportezi la un player! /vasay -> Trimiti un mesaj la toti ca V.I.P! New CMDS - Level 2: /vipgod -> Primesti viata infinita! Comenzi V.I.P Level 3: /vkick -> Dai kick la un player! /vget -> Teleportezi un player la tine /rw -> Iti da un set de arme ( Runing Weapons ) cu multe gloante! /MaxAmmo -> Iti reincarca gloante la maxim in toate armele! New CMDS - Level 3: /vannounce -> Dai un anunta care va aparea in stanga jos! ( Puteti schimba coordonatele unde sa se dea anuntu ) Ca sa scrii in chat-ul V.I.P-ilor pui in fata textului ! V.I.P - ii online se pot vedea cu comanda /vips [Protected content]
CMD:vipname(playerid, params[]) { if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) { if(playerVariables[playerid][pVip] >= 1) { if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) { new currentveh; currentveh = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); new Float:vehx, Float:vehy, Float:vehz; GetVehiclePos(currentveh, vehx, vehy, vehz); new objectid = CreateObject(19327, vehx,vehy,vehz, vehx,vehy,vehz); SetObjectMaterialText(objectid, "BloodTwist", 0, 50, "Arial", 25, 1, 0xE60000FF, 0, 1); AttachObjectToVehicle(objectid, currentveh, 0.0, -1.9, 0.3, 270.0, 0.0, 0.0); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_ADMINS, "TEXT Pentru vhicul added:"); } } else return SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, AdminOnly); } return 1; } Daca va ajutat cu ceva +1
Stiti cu totii ca acum ceva timp , la aniversarea eg-ului sa pus o scena pe plaja , cu artificii etc facuta de catre mine. Azi am decis sa o fac publica ,poate cineva o va mai folosii Link : party plaja.pwn - 21.5 Kb [Protected content] Comenzi // - arata toate comenzile
Salut tuturor Descriere: De data aceeasta am revenit cu un script, amuzant si distractiv , folositor mai ales pentru servere de dm/tdm, dar probabil si pentru stunt , cine stie.. Iti cumperi munitie folosind o comanda si poti trage cu explozibile , va exploda acolo unde vei trage.. wink.gif. Script-ul este usor configurabil, puteti edita suma de bani pe care playerul trb sa o aiba ca sa cumpere aceste minunatii. Credite: ursu si xstorm Download: [Protected content]
Titlul : Report System + Live Chat ( PREMIUM FREE ) Descriere : Un sistem /report cu multe beneficii unul fiind si live chat-ul! Admin-ul poate discuta detaliat problema cu jucatorul prin livechat. De ce live chat? Mie personal mi s-a intamplat de foarte multe ori sa intru pe un server sa dau /report adminul sa imi raspunda dar sa nu-mi raspunda complet. Iar eu nu am cum sa ii dau pm pentru ca nu am acces la /w sau nu am telefon pentru /call . Cerinte : - Pentru a edita fs-ul aveti nevoie de urmatoarele inc.uri : Code: [select] a_samp.inc zcmd.inc dini.inc Comenzi: Code: [select] Pentru comenzi /reporthelp /report /rc - vorbesti in live chat ( pentru jucatori )"); /ra - Vorbesti in live chat /creport - Inchide live chat /oreport - Deschide report / live chat /sreport - Stergi un report /reports - Lista reporturi Poze : ydl9.png hzx3.png01mx.pnghhzk.png Credite: TaifunX2 si ursu Link Download: SolidFiles: [Protected content] Pastebin: [Protected content] - Daca folositi fs-ul si il integrati in gm nu uitati sa schimbati IsPlayerAdmin cu pAdmin sau pAdminLevel sau ce variabila folositi in gm deoarece IsPlayerAdmin merge doar la rcon. - De ce premium? Hmm.. am lucrat ceva la el si trebuia vanduta pe $$ versiunea cu livechat , dar am pus-o gratis pentru voi!
Salut , de curand de plictiseala m-am apucat de un Graffity System , mi-e unu imi place cum mi-a reusit acest FS , sper sa va placa si voua. Comenzi: - /cgraffity - Creaza un tatuaj prin care il vei pozitiona tu. - /cremove - Sterge tatuajul. Video: https://www.youtube....h?v=L4uFRcw1HzI P.S: Tin sa precizez ca este v1.0 , orice bug sau nelamurire va rog sa o postati. P.S2: Tatuajele nu se salveaza , voi face asta in v2.0! Update!! - Cu ajutorul lui Gireada am rezolvat bug-ul acela care se suprapuneau textele intre ele. - Am adaugat font-uri. - Am decis sa numai fac sa se salveze deoarece eu cred ca ar fi o prostie din multe motive , am facut doar ca sa-ti arate in scriptfiles in folderu Graffity cate graffit-uri ai creat in total. cheesy.gif Video : https://www.youtube....h?v=EIKI1N-ZLbY Download: [Protected content] [Protected content]
Factiunile serverului Toxic-Game sunt : 1.Politia Romana 2.S.R.I 3.Armata Romana 4.SMURD 5.Clanu Sportivilor 6.Clanu Camataru 7.Parlament 8.Hitman Agency 9.ProTV 10.Speed Taxi 11.Instructori 12.Clanu Sadoveanu 13.Clanu Duduianu 14.Clanu Capone 15.Clanu Tobosaru 16.Fast & Furious 17.Teroristi (pe server voi fi alte culori,aici am incercat sa le fac sa para asemanatoare) Joburi : 1.Farmer 2.Detective 3.Lawyer 4.Mechanic 5.Bodyguard 6.Bus Driver 7.Boxer 8.Car Dealer 9.Paper Boy 10.Trucker 13.Whore 14.Drugs Dealer 15.Car Jacker 16.Arms Dealer 17.Tractorist Ce contine acest GameMode RPG ?: -Sistem Admini - Sistem Agenti - Sistem /radio - Sistem de /rob la banca - Sistem /gps + /ghid la spawn din LS,SF! - Sistem de /war nebuguit. - Armata Romana are puscarie unde se duc puscariasii iar ceilalti ii pot salva cu elicopterul - Dealer Ship langa Yard la armata si inca un loc langa banca LS - Foarte multe sbizzuri+bizzuri+case - Si cel mai important era sa uit ca pe acest gamemode nu mai sunt masini,case,bizzuri ale playerilor deoarce le-am vandut personal pentru voi! DOWNLOAD : SOLIDFILES !! [Protected content] Poze : 1. http://i57.tinypic.com/e5pxfs.png 2 . http://i57.tinypic.com/9h8bch.png 3 .http://i60.tinypic.com/2rrkiza.png
VizRPG Beta Gamemode Dupa cum spune si titlul este un gamemode beta dupa cum stiti un gamemode cu putine cunostinte! Gamemodul contine: Register / Login system Gang system Nu este un gamemode complex dar este destinat celor care sunt incepatori! Credits: -Y_ini ( Include ) -(SC)sTaRxD_ ( Gang system ) Multumesc! Atentie: Exista posibilitatea de a exista virusi in .rar daca detectati unul dintre eii puteti sa lasati reply si voi schimba link-ul Download Link: [Protected content]
BadGame GameMode Pentru a lua un job tastati comanda [/gps] si o sa va apara toate job-urile. Factions Police Department Federal Bureau of Investigations Hitman Agency Taxi Company News Reporter Barzini Family Corleone Family Stracci Family Paterno Family Jobs Arms Dealer Bus Driver Fisherman Trucker Car Jacker Trashman Pizza boy Cement Trucker Detective Drugs Dealer Hq-urile factiunilor sunt disponibile in pozele viitoare si poti ajunge acolo folosind comanda [/gps] Police Departament F.B.I News Reporter Taxi Company Hitman Agenty Corleone Family Brazini Family Paterno Family Stracci Family Flash Racing Adaugat Sistem Rival-War:? >Sunt 44 teritorii. Un razboi se poate da intre orele 14:00 - 22:00. Pentru a porni un razboi este nevoie de minim 4 membri in ambele factiuni. >Cum se castiga un teritoriu: Factiunea care este atacata, in primele 5 minute nu face nici un kill. Factiunea care ataca are mai multe kill-uri realizate in cele 15 minute decat factiunea care se apara. Daca scorul este egal la sfarsitul celor 15 minute, castigatoare este factiunea care se apara. Kill-urile se contorizeaza doar daca cel care trage se afla pe teritoriul atacat. La sfarsit va aparea o statistica cu cel mai bun jucator, cel mai "prost" jucator, scorul factiunilor. Adaugat sistem Loiallity Member ( Premium Account ) La achizitionare primiti 50 LP >Iti poti pune culoare hidden pe masina tastand /carcolor. Cand dai /buylevel si ai RP mai mult decat ai nevoie ele iti raman. Primesti PayDay cu 50% mai mult. Dobanda este de 0.2. Taxa la PayDay este mai mica ( 10$ x Level ). Odata la 3 PayDay-uri primesti 1 RP in +. Poti detine 3 masini personale. Puteti strange Rob Points si Free Points cate doriti. Adaugat Sistem GunGame ( cei care joaca CS isi pot da seama cum functioneaza ): ? Odata ajunsi la acea locatie tastati /joingame iar voi veti fi conectati la una din cele 2 echipe care are membri mai putini. Daca doriti sa parasiti meciul atunci tastati /leavegungame sau daca doriti sa va schimbati echipa tastati /changeteam. Toti cei care se conecteaza la meci pornesc de la Skill 1 ( Brass Knuckles ). Pana la Skill 3 trebuie sa faceti un singur kill pentru a avansa in arma, dupa Skill 3 deja trebuie sa faceti 3 killuri pentru a avea alta arma. Daca faceti un kill cu Knife atunci avansati automat la arma urmatoare chiar daca nu aveti 3 kill-uri. Daca sunteti omorati de catre un player cu Knife veti pierde un Skill ( veti primi arma pentru Skill-ul precedent ). Daca va omorati coechipierii veti pierde un Kill ( la 3 kill-uri pierdute pierzi un Skill ). Castigatorul este cel care ajunge pana la Skill 18. Mai multe detalii aflati in joc in timp ce va jucati. O sa facem si un video pentru a va demonstra Sistem masini personale: ​Un player poate detine maxim 3 vehicule. Odata ce ai atins Level 3, poti merge la DealerShip Los Santos (Afli locatia acestuia din /GPS) si tastezi comanda /buyvehicle <Model ID> (Iti va fi afisata o lista cu toate modele disponibile, numele si pretul) Pentru a elimina LAG-ul pe care vehiculele le-ar putea crea am facut un sistem de eliminare / afisare a vehiculelor personale - Fiecare detinator a unui autovehicul nu poate sa aiba in acelasi timp vehiculele in joc.(Ex: Eu YooBogdan detin un Sultan si un Huntley, nu pot fi in acelasi timp pe server ambele autovehicule, doar 1 poate fi). Comenzi disponibile: ​/carhelp - Arata toate comenzile disponibile. /park - Iti parchezi masina personala unde doresti. /lock - Inchizi / Deschizi masina personala. /unmod - Scoti toate modurile de pe masina. /spawncar1 - Introduci pe server masina de la slot-ul 1. /spawncar2 - Introduci pe server masina de la slot-ul 2. /spawncar3 - Introduci pe server masina de la slot-ul 3. /despawncar - Elimini de pe server masina pe care o ai afisata (Trebuie sa fi langa locul unde masina se respawneaza, adica acolo unde ai dat /park). /findcar - Afli locatia in care se afla masina personala. /sellcar - Vinzi masina la DealerShip (Trebuie sa fi langa DealerShip Los Santos). Sistem GPS. Dai /gps alegi unde vrei sa te duci iar GPS-ul iti arata cat mai ai pana ajungi la destinatie. Link DOWNLOAD: [Protected content]
Multumim !
Multumim !
Bun venit !
Bun venit !
Description: This include was written to eliminate the known problem of re-picking pickup bug by using a key. So, when you stand on a pickup, you need to press the assigned key to make it work. Advantages of this implementation: • Using a key - In this implementation, no dynamic zones are used, no interception of functions for creating pickups, no distance comparisons, etc, which could overload the server. • Configurable key - by default, the specified key is ALT (KEY_WALK), but if you want, you can change this key by specifying only one macro in your code (see below). • This include supports streamer plugin. • Only one body movement - you need only to connect this include, there is no need to conduct any more actions (exception: you will want to change the specified key) Example: PHP Code: #define KEY_PICKUPFIX_USED_KEY KEY_WALK #include <key_pickupfix.inc> Author: Twixxx (a.k.a whale/Twixyck) Source code: [Protected content] Download: [Protected content] Changelog: Code: • 14.04.2018 | v1.0 - Release. • 15.04.2018 | v1.1 - Added compatibility of static enumeration with old versions of the compiler.
DCC - Discord Command Controller Intro Hi, As stated above this include is basically discord command controller. Where you can make commands easily just by using DC_CMD:.. like CMD:.., It uses DCC_OnChannelMessage callback to fetch commands. If you do not know about the discord plugin please learn about it first. Click Here and then come back here.. How to? CallBacks PHP Code: forward OnDCCommandPerformed(args[], success); forward SendDC(channel[], const fmat[], va_args<>); I have added a SendDC callback which sends the message to channel directly without doing the format stuff. It uses y_va so you need it. PHP Code: SendDC(CHANNEL_ID, "%s has joined the server.", name); CHANNEL_ID is your Bot channel id which you can change later in script. The callback Code:OnDCCommandPerformed(args[], success) is called after the command execution if success == 0 means the command is not executed or doesn't exists. For Example, PHP Code: public OnDCCommandPerformed(args[], success) { if(!success) return SendDC(CHANNEL_ID, "```js\nInvalid command..!\n```"); return 1; } Setting Up Add That on the top of your script, PHP Code: #define CMD_PREFIX "!" #define BOT_CHANNEL "" #define BOT_NAME "" #define CHANNEL_ID "" and change it to the way you want. CMD_PREFIX tells which prefix to use like @test or !test and after that include the DCC include. Code:#include <dcc> Adding Commands Example: PHP Code: DC_CMD:m(user, args) { new msg[50]; if(sscanf(args, "s[50]", msg)) return SendDC(CHANNEL_ID, ""CMD_PREFIX"m [Msg]"); SendDC(CHANNEL_ID, "%s: %s", user, msg); return 1; } Please report any bug you found or tell me anything u want in this include. I will really Appreciate it. I have also added the test.pwn to make it more easy for you guys in the rar.
Nex Anticheat (Nex-AC) - is a comprehensive protection which combines powerful anticheat and protection against various attacks (flood, DoS). Anticheat detects popular cheats instantly punishing cheaters. Anti-DoS combines customizable anti-flood, anti-DoS at the network level and a lot of protection tools against hacking, crashers etc. List of basic anti-cheats: * Anti-AirBreak (onfoot/in vehicle) * Anti-teleport hack (onfoot/into/in/between vehicles) * Anti-teleport pickups * Anti-FlyHack (onfoot/in vehicle) * Anti-SpeedHack (onfoot/in vehicle) * Anti-Health hack (onfoot/in vehicle) and armour hack * Anti-Weapon hack and (add/infinite) ammo hack * Anti-Special actions hack (including jetpack) * Anti-GodMode from bullets (onfoot/in vehicle) * Anti-Invisible hack * Anti-Money hack * Anti-Tuning hack * Anti-lagcomp-spoof * Anti-Parkour mod * Anti-Quick turn * Anti-Rapid fire * Anti-FakeSpawn * Anti-FakeKill * Anti-Pro Aim * Anti-CJ run * Anti-CarShot * Anti-CarJack * Anti-UnFreeze * Anti-AFK Ghost * Anti-Reconnect * Anti-High ping * Anti-Fake NPC * Anti-Dialog hack * Protection from the sandbox * Protection against invalid version * Anti-flood change seat * Flood protection connects to one slot * Anti-Rcon hack (brute/brute-forse) * Anti-flood callback functions (complete list below) * Anti-crashers (complete list below) * Anti-NOP's (complete list below) * Anti-Dos Additional features: * Setting anticheat from file The settings is located in a separate file (scriptfiles\nex-ac_settings.cfg) * View statistics Ability to view statistics of the anticheat while the server working since its launch Displayed automatically when server turn off. Stored in a server log (server_log.txt) * Logging the most important actions Optionally you can enable debug-mode for log all actions * Multilingual Ability to set any of the available languages. It also simplifies the translation of anticheat to other languages List of publics which are protected by anti-flood: * OnDialogResponse * OnEnterExitModShop * OnPlayerClickMap * OnPlayerClickPlayer * OnPlayerClickTextDraw * OnPlayerCommandText * OnPlayerEnterVehicle * OnPlayerExitVehicle * OnPlayerPickUpPickup * OnPlayerRequestClass * OnPlayerSelectedMenuRow * OnPlayerStateChange * OnVehicleMod * OnVehiclePaintjob * OnVehicleRespray * OnVehicleDeath * OnPlayerText * OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint * OnPlayerLeaveCheckpoint * OnPlayerRequestSpawn * OnPlayerExitedMenu * OnPlayerEnterRaceCheckpoint * OnPlayerLeaveRaceCheckpoint * OnPlayerClickPlayerTextDraw * OnVehicleDamageStatusUpdate * OnPlayerSelectObject Anti-NOP's: * SpawnPlayer * SetPlayerPos * SetVehiclePos * SetPlayerAmmo * SetPlayerHealth * SetPlayerArmour * SetVehicleHealth * GivePlayerWeapon * SetPlayerPosFindZ * SetPlayerInterior * PutPlayerInVehicle * ResetPlayerWeapons * SetPlayerArmedWeapon * SetPlayerSpecialAction * TogglePlayerSpectating * RemovePlayerFromVehicle Anti-Crashers: * Invalid tuning * Invalid vehicle seat * Illegal characters in the dialogs (deleting) * Invalid attached objects * Weapon Crasher Functions: Code: public OnCheatDetected(playerid, ip_address[], type, code) Called when triggered one of the anti-cheats playerid - ID of the cheater ip_address[] - IP-address of the cheater type - Type of cheating (when 0 it returns the ID, when 1 - IP) code - Code (ID) of the anti-cheat EnableAntiCheat(acid, enable) Use to enable/disable one of the anti-cheats acid - ID of the anti-cheat enable - 1 to enable/0 to disable EnableAntiCheatForPlayer(playerid, acid, enable) Use to enable/disable one of the anti-cheats for a particular player playerid - ID of the player who needs to enable/disable the anti-cheat acid - ID of the anti-cheat enable - 1 to enable/0 to disable Added in v1.3: IsAntiCheatEnabled(acid) Use to check whether one of the anti-cheats is enabled/disabled acid - ID of the anti-cheat Return 1 (true) if enabled or 0 (false) if disabled IsAntiCheatEnabledForPlayer(playerid, acid) Use to check whether one of the anti-cheats is enabled/disabled for a particular player playerid - ID of the player to be checked whether the anti-cheat enabled/disabled for him acid - ID of the anti-cheat Return 1 (true) if enabled or 0 (false) if disabled Added in v1.8.8: AntiCheatGetHealth(playerid, &Float:health) Use to get the amount of a player's health playerid - The ID of the player &Float:health - Variable for storage health, passed by reference AntiCheatGetArmour(playerid, &Float:armour) Use to get the amount of a player's armour playerid - The ID of the player &Float:armour - Variable for storage armour, passed by reference AntiCheatGetVehicleHealth(vehicleid, &Float:health) Use to get the amount of a vehicle health vehicleid - The ID of the vehicle &Float:health - Variable for storage health, passed by reference AntiCheatGetWeaponData(playerid, slot, &weapons, &ammo) Use to get weapons and ammo in a certain slot of a player playerid - The ID of the player slot - The slot in which need get the weapons and ammo &weapons - Variable for storage weapon ID, passed by reference &ammo - Variable for storage amount of ammo, passed by reference AntiCheatGetSpawnWeapon(playerid, &weapon1, &weapon1_ammo, &weapon2, &weapon2_ammo, &weapon3, &weapon3_ammo) Use to get spawn weapons and ammo of a player playerid - The ID of the player &weapon1 - Variable for storage the weapon 1, passed by reference &weapon1_ammo - The variable for storage the amount of ammo for the weapon 1, passed by reference &weapon2 - Variable for storage the weapon 2, passed by reference &weapon2_ammo - The variable for storage the amount of ammo for the weapon 2, passed by reference &weapon3 - Variable for storage the weapon 3, passed by reference &weapon3_ammo - The variable for storage the amount of ammo for the weapon 3, passed by reference AntiCheatGetPos(playerid, &Float:x, &Float:y, &Float:z) Use to get a player's position playerid - The ID of the player &Float:x - The variable for storage the x coordinate, passed by reference &Float:y - The variable for storage the y coordinate, passed by reference &Float:z - The variable for storage the z coordinate, passed by reference AntiCheatGetVehicleVelocity(vehicleid, &Float:x, &Float:y, &Float:z) Use to get a vehicle speed vehicleid - The ID of the vehicle &Float:x - The variable for storage the x speed, passed by reference &Float:y - The variable for storage the y speed, passed by reference &Float:z - The variable for storage the z speed, passed by reference AntiCheatGetSpeed(playerid) Use to get a player's speed playerid - The ID of the player Returns a player's speed or 0 if the player is not connected AntiCheatGetAnimationIndex(playerid) Use to get the index (ID) of a player's current animation playerid - The ID of the player Returns the ID of the animation or 0 if the player is not connected AntiCheatGetDialog(playerid) Use to get the ID of the opened dialog of a player playerid - The ID of the player Returns the ID of the dialog or 0 if the player is not connected AntiCheatGetMoney(playerid) Use to get the amount of a player's money playerid - The ID of the player Returns the amount of money or 0 if the player is not connected AntiCheatGetEnterVehicle(playerid) Use to get the ID of the vehicle which a player try to enter playerid - The ID of the player Returns the ID of the vehicle or 0 if the player is not connected AntiCheatGetVehicleID(playerid) Use to get the ID of the vehicle in which a player is in playerid - The ID of the player Returns the ID of the vehicle or 0 if the player is not connected AntiCheatGetWeapon(playerid) Use to get a player's current weapon ID playerid - The ID of the player Returns the ID of weapon or 0 if the player is not connected AntiCheatGetVehicleSeat(playerid) Use to get the seat in the vehicle on which the player is in playerid - The ID of the player Returns a number of the seat or 0 if the player is not connected AntiCheatGetSpecialAction(playerid) Use to get the ID of the special action of a player playerid - The ID of the player Returns the ID of the special action or 0 if the player is not connected AntiCheatGetLastSpecialAction(playerid) Use to get the ID of the previous special action of a player playerid - The ID of the player Returns the ID of the previous special action or 0 if the player is not connected AntiCheatGetLastShotWeapon(playerid) Use to get the ID of the last weapon from which a player shot playerid - The ID of the player Returns the ID of the last weapon or 0 if the player is not connected AntiCheatGetLastPickup(playerid) Use to get the ID of the last pickup which a player picked playerid - The ID of the player Returns the ID of the last picked up pickup or 0 if the player is not connected AntiCheatGetLastUpdateTime(playerid) Use to get a player's last update timestamp playerid - The ID of the player Returns a timestamp of the last update or 0 if the player is not connected AntiCheatGetLastReloadTime(playerid) Use to get a player's last (weapon) reload timestamp playerid - The ID of the player Returns a timestamp of the last reload or 0 if the player is not connected AntiCheatGetLastEnteredVehTime(playerid) Use to get a player's last entering vehicle attempt timestamp playerid - The ID of the player Returns a timestamp of the last entering attempt or 0 if the player is not connected AntiCheatGetLastShotTime(playerid) Use to get a player's last shot timestamp playerid - The ID of the player Returns a timestamp of the last shot or 0 if the player is not connected AntiCheatGetLastSpawnTime(playerid) Use to get a player's last spawn timestamp playerid - The ID of the player Returns a timestamp of the last spawn or 0 if the player is not connected AntiCheatIntEnterExitsIsEnabled(playerid) Use to check whether enter/exit markers in interiors are enabled/disabled for a player playerid - The ID of the player Returns 1 (true) if enabled or 0 (false) if disabled AntiCheatStuntBonusIsEnabled(playerid) Use to check whether stunt bonus is enabled/disabled for a player playerid - The ID of the player Returns 1 (true) if enabled or 0 (false) if disabled AntiCheatIsInModShop(playerid) Use to check whether a player is in ModShop or not playerid - The ID of the player Returns 1 (true) if it is or 0 (false) if it is not AntiCheatIsFrozen(playerid) Use to check whether a player is frozen or not playerid - The ID of the player Returns 1 (true) if frozen or 0 (false) if not frozen AntiCheatIsDead(playerid) Use to check whether a player is dead or not playerid - The ID of the player Returns 1 (true) if dead or 0 (false) if not dead AntiCheatIsConnected(playerid) Use to check whether a player is on a server or not playerid - The ID of the player Returns 1 (true) if it is or 0 (false) if it is not Multilingual: The script can be configured at any of the available languages. To do it, just download the desired localization, save it in a directory with the main include (nex_ac.inc) and recompile your script. Available languages: [Protected content] * .lang files can be opened even in default notepad and easy to edit Did not find your language? Help the project :) If you know a language that is not in the list, please translate anticheat on this language. To do this, just share the translated .lang file in this thread. I will be very glad of your help and will add you in the list of those who have helped the development of the anticheat. It is also recommended to check on use any other anti-cheats in order to avoid conflicts with them. Download: *[Protected content] Installation: 1. Download version of the anticheat which compatible with the version of your server 2. Download the language file (.lang) in your preferred language 3. Copy both files to a folder "/pawno/include" which is located in the folder with the server 4. In gamemode and all filterscripts after "#include <a_samp>" write the following: "#include <nex-ac>" Warning! If you use Streamer Plugin by Incognito, Timerfix plugin by Dan, foreach, sscanf or y_hooks, include it before nex-ac! Also keep in mind that filterscript must have "#define FILTERSCRIPT" before including anticheat 5. Compile the modified scripts Do you get an error when you compiling this anticheat with YSI? Check out some tips Changelog: Code:v1.0 * Initial release v1.1 Changes: * Compatible with Streamer Plugin * Compatible with y_hooks * Minor optimization Fixes: * Increased certain values and the distance considering ping * Fixed a bug with a pick up similar weapons on the pickups * Fixed a bug with a kick when spawn and then install the player position/interior * Fixed a bug with a kick when spawn and then install the player weapons (if used AddPlayerClass/Ex) * Fixed crash when calling ShowPlayerDialog in CallRemoteFunction v1.2 Changes: * Compatible with y_dialog * Additional compatibility with foreach Fixes: * Fixed several bugs in Anti-God Mode * Fixed a bug with a kick during prolonged shooting a minigun * Fixed display of statistics and reports about kick * Tweaked Belarusian localization Now it is available on GitHub! (by popular demand) v1.3 Changes: * Added "#define USE_QUERY" (true by default) ** If your server is under Brute-force attack - for better protection USE_QUERY value can be changed to false ** Attention! If false, the server will not display the information in the server browser, so use in extreme cases! * Added features IsAntiCheatEnabled and IsAntiCheatEnabledForPlayer Fixes: * Fixed load anticheat configuration from config-file * Increased some values in favor of players with high ping * Rcon protection (against Brute-force) now also dynamically enabled/disabled by function EnableAntiCheat * Fixed minor bugs in the anti-cheats on ammo hack, RapidFire, SpeedHack in vehicle, Anti-GodMode on foot and in vehicle v1.4 Changes: * Compatible with Socket Plugin * Removed some anti-crashers (which are fixed in the new version r2) * Improved anti-tuning hack: now detects free tuning in ModShops * Improved anti-carshot Fixes: * Tweaked some values in the anti-flood * Fixed several bugs in anti-weapon hack * Fixed a bug where all the cars could have a siren * Fixed a bug in the anti-teleport hack with a kick at the entrance to ModShop * Fixed a bug in the anti-GodMode onfoot with a kick if the bullets were desync v1.5 Changes: * Improved interaction with anticheat by OnCheatDetected * Improved Anti-ProAim: now detects Silent-Aim * Removed error when compiling, if you have not included the localization * Minor optimization Fixes: * Fixed compatibility with Streamer Plugin * Fixed compatibility with a foreach from last YSI * Improved Anti-GodMode onfoot and Anti-GodMode in vehicle * Fixed a bug in Anti-FlyHack with a kick when jumping on a bike * Fixed some bugs in Anti-Invisible hack v1.6 Changes: * Improved compatibility with y_hooks in the latest YSI * Improved Anti-Rapid fire: now detects fast reload * For security reasons, added a few Anti-Aim crashers * Added check when compiling for compatibility with the server version * OnCheatDetected is now called even for those detects, which are don't kick by default * Anti-UnFreeze hack is now disabled by default Fixes: * Fixed a bug in Anti-Teleport into vehicle with enter closed vehicle * Fixed protection against Rcon hack (in game) * Fixed function EnableAntiCheat v1.7 Changes: * Updated Anti-Tuning crasher * Additional compatibility with sscanf * Improved compatibility with other scripts Fixes: * Fixed compatibility with Streamer Plugin * Fixed Anti-SpeedHack, Anti-Flood and Anti-Invisible hack * Fixed a bug in Anti-Ammo hack with ResetPlayerWeapons function v1.8 Changes: * Improved Anti-RapidFire: now detects Auto +C * Minor optimization Fixes: * Fixed some anticheats which didn't worked properly * Increased the maximum allowable onfoot speed * Fixed a bug in Anti-Invalid seat crasher * Fixed Anti-Weapon and Ammo hack v1.8.1 Changes: * Rewrote the Anti-Dialog crasher (%) Fixes: * Fixed a bug in Anti-Ammo hack with a kick for a detonator * Fixed debug mode v1.8.2 Fixes: * Fixed EnableAntiCheatForPlayer function * Fixed bugs with "#define AC_USE_<...>" v1.8.3 Fixes: * Fixed display messages about kick in some localizations v1.8.4 Changes: * Minor optimization Fixes: * Increased some values (considering ping) * Fixed a bug in Anti-RapidFire with a kick for the shooting of the passenger seat * Fixed a bug in Anti-Ammo hack with a kick for the shooting of the driver's seat v1.8.5 Fixes: * Fixed some checks for invalid vehicle model v1.8.6 Changes: * Returned some anti-crashers (which are "fixed" in version r2) v1.8.7 Fixes: * Fixed a bug in Anti-FlyHack (onfoot) with a kick for a jump to the water v1.8.8 Changes: * Improved code readability * Minor bug fixes and improvements * Added debug functions Fixes: * Fixed compatibility with the latest versions of Streamer Plugin and YSI v1.8.9 Fixes: * Tweaked some settings * Fixed GivePlayerWeapon and SetPlayerAmmo functions (NOP protection) * Fixed SetVehicleHealth function * Fixed SetPlayerInterior function v1.9 Changes: * Minor improvements * Added a hook LinkVehicleToInterior function * Improved anti-ammo hack for Sawnoff Shotgun, 9mm, Uzi and Tec-9 * Added filterscripts support for protection against spoofing dialogs * Rewrote the Anti-AFK Ghost Fixes: * Fixed RepairVehicle function * Fixed a bug in the Anti-GodMode (in vehicle) with "Array out of bounds" * Fixed a bug in the Anti-Godmode (in vehicle) with a kick when shooting on wheels * Fixed a bug with SetPlayerArmedWeapon in OnPlayerTakeDamage * Fixed a bug in the Anti-Ammo hack when shooting from the driver's seat * Fixed an issue with the calculation of the max seat for vehicle model 483 * Fixed a bug in the Anti-Godmode (onfoot) with a kick while entering the car * Fixed errors with "STREAMER_ENABLE_TAGS" * Fixed several bugs in the anti-cheat on pickups v1.9.1 Changes: * Added compatibility with Nexius's Update Checker v1.9.2 Changes: * Minor improvements * Changed some values in anti-flood Fixes: * Fixed a bug with a kick the player for the setting him interior in which he already is v1.9.3 Changes: * Removed the check for the distance when leaving the vehicle in the anti-teleport hack (due to false detects) v1.9.4 Changes: * Changed the punishment for teleport unoccupied vehicles Fixes: * Fixed a bug in anti-teleport hack * Fixed a bug in the protection on NOP RemovePlayerFromVehicle * Fixed anti-money hack v1.9.5 Fixes: * Fixed a bug in the anti-teleport hack with the setting of the interior before spawn * Fixed hook OnPlayerClickPlayerTextDraw v1.9.6 Changes: * Changed some values in the anti-flood Fixes: * Fixed a bug in the anti-invisibility hack with spawn during spectating * Fixed a bug in the anti-speedhack with SetVehicleToRespawn function * Fixed compatibility with streamer checkpoints * Fixed minor bugs v1.9.7 Changes: * Changed some values in anti-flood * EnableAntiCheat(ForPlayer) and IsAntiCheatEnabled(ForPlayer) functions can be called from filterscript * Added protection against registration bypass (an idea by f0Re3t) * Rewritten the protection against high ping Fixes: * Fixed a bug in the Anti-SpeedHack with a kick for a fast ride on the train * Fully fixed a bug with a kick for a change of interior v1.9.8 Changes: * AntiCheatGet* functions are now can be called from filterscripts * Faster call hooked functions from GameMode * Rewritten anti-money hack Fixes: * Fixed a bypass in anti-ammo hack for high-rate weapons * Fixed a bypass in the anti-teleport with the ability to teleport after changing interior by server * Fixed a bug in the anti-weapon hack with a kick when buying weapons in Ammu-Nation for the wrong price * Fixed a bug in the protection against NOPs with a kick for take a similar weapons * Fixed compilation errors when included in filterscript v1.9.9 Fixes: * Fixed several bugs in the anti-special actions hack * Fixed a bug in the anti-weapon hack with a kick when ResetPlayerWeapons used in OnPlayerDeath * Tweaked some values v1.9.10 Changes: * Removed kick function when player timeout/crashes * Updated an array of valid tuning components for each vehicle (taken from fixes) * Added internal checks for the arguments in GivePlayerWeapon, SetPlayerArmedWeapon functions * Significantly improved debug mode * Minor improvements Fixes: * Fixed a bug in the protection against NOPs with a kick for the attempt to enter already occupied vehicle seat * Fixed anti-speedhack in vehicle (check the maximum speed) * Improved anti-rapid fire for the shotgun Due to the numerous cases of connection problems with anti-cheat, there was added a version that is compatible with the server version 0.3.7 R1 v1.9.11 Fixes: * Fixed SetPlayerArmedWeapon function * Fixed PutPlayerInVehicle function * Minor fixes v1.9.12 Changes: * Changed some values in anti-flood * Rewrote system of call some hooked functions Fixes: * Fixed a bug when trying to get on the bus on the passenger seat more than 1 * Fixed a bug in protection against NOPs with the wrong type of health and armor when comparing * Fixed anti-infinite ammo hack for sniper rifle * Tweaked function PutPlayerInVehicle v1.9.13 Changes: * Changed some values in anti-flood Fixes: * Fixed a bug in the anti-teleport in closed vehicles with a kick while attempting to enter the passenger seat v1.9.14 Changes: * Improved anti-GodMode * Minor improvements for EnableAntiCheat and EnableAntiCheatForPlayer functions * Changed the default punishment for repairing cars by cheats (returns the old health) * Removed some anti-weapon crashers v1.9.15 Changes: * Anti-parkour mod and anti-fake NPC is now disabled by default Fixes: * Fixed a bug in the protection against NOP RemovePlayerFromVehicle v1.9.16 Fixes: * Tweaked SetPlayerPos, SetPlayerPosFindZ and SetVehiclePos functions v1.9.17 Changes: * Added check for the validity of the pickup when a player picks it up * Increased the minimum distance of detection AirBreak onfoot Fixes: * Fixed anti-CJ run with a kick for landing on parachute (holding 'S' key) * Fixed anti-FlyHack with parachutist animation v1.9.18 Changes: * Debug mode is now enabled by default Fixes: * Fixed false detection in anti-flood with fast entering and exit from boats * Tweaked minimum values of 'fire rate' in anti-rapid fire for desert eagle * Fixed false kick for NOPs if the server gave health/armor to player or his transport while he/it burned * Fixed anti-infinite ammo hack for m4, mp5 and silenced pistol v1.9.19 Fixes: * Fixed a bug in the anti-fakespawn with a kick for exit from spec mode when observed player is leaving * Fixed anti-health (onfoot/in vehicle) and armor hack v1.9.20 Changes: * Minor improvements in code Fixes: * Fixed a bug in the anti-pickup hack with a kick for a teleport on the pickup position * Fixed RemovePlayerFromVehicle function v1.9.21 Fixes: * Tweaked SetPlayerAmmo function * Fixed a bug in anti-GodMode in vehicle with a kick when shooting vehicle wheels * Fixed anti-infinite ammo for AK-47 and m4 v1.9.22 Changes: * Removed exception for taking golf club when leaving vehicle model 457 * Removed a check on the distance to the vehicle when player enter it (false detections were observed) * Anti-reconnect will now be disabled if the settings are configured to connect more than 1 account from 1 IP * When trying to flood OnVehicleMod and OnVehicleRespray, they will be desynced * Changed some values in anti-flood v1.9.23 Fixes: * Fixed incorrect values return in some publics * Fixed bug when vehicle didn't reset the value of its driver after the player disconnect * Fixed bug with ping check when connecting v1.9.24 Changes: * Reduced sensitivity of anti-FlyHack in vehicle * Reduced sensitivity of anti-AirBreak on short distances * If the default enter/exit markers are enabled (ie, gm is not used DisableInteriorEnterExits), then anti-teleport for long distances will automatically disabled (to avoid false detections when entering the roof of a skyscraper in LS) Fixes: * Fixed a bug with a kick for entering bus (id 431 & 437) for more than one passenger * Fixed a bug with a kick for quick entering train vagon (id 570) v1.9.25 Changes: * Reduced sensitivity of anti-Speedhack * Minor improvements Fixes: * Fixed a bug in anti-teleport hack at death in the interior * Fixed a bug in anti-fast spawn using ForceClassSelection * Fixed a bug in anti-GodMode onfoot with a kick when player exiting from vehicle, if someone is shooted in he at this moment * Fixed ResetPlayerWeapons function v1.9.26 Changes: * Rewrote anti-teleport to interiors hack * Added additional protection from Damage Helper * Added protection against explosion of vehicles after teleporting in them with cheats * Minor fixes and improvements Fixes: * Fixed some bugs in anti-special actions hack * Tweaked the minimum price of weapons in ammu-nation for anticheat * Fixed SpawnPlayer function v1.9.27 Changes: * Increased maximum speed onfoot * Changed some delays that await server's functions performing * Added protection against vehicle respray if default modshops is disabled * Increased the number of warnings for protect against high ping * Rewrote anti-teleport for Streamer pickups * Removed AntiCheatGetClass function * Minor fixes and improvements Fixes: * Fixed anti-money hack * Fixed a bug in protection against NOP GivePlayerWeapon * Fixed an anti-fakespawn bypass when cheater calls OnPlayerRequestSpawn before spawn * Fixed false detections after long shooting from some weapons * Fixed some variables resetting during player spawn * Fixed anti-speedhack v1.9.28 Changes: * Added support for Streamer_UpdateEx function * Added compatibility with the Timerfix plugin by Dan * The minimum detection distance for anti-teleport hack in vehicle is changed from 15 to 25 meters * Reduced sensitivity of anti-AirBreak onfoot at short distances * Increased the number of warnings for anti-money hack Fixes: * Fixed bypass with instant teleport after leaving the vehicle * Fixed a bug in anti-health hack with a kick if player fell from bike (at low health values it is restored to 5 by the game) * Fixed a bug in anti-teleport hack in vehicle with a kick when player teleports to the modshop with passengers in the vehicle * Fixed anti-infinite ammo hack for Country Rifle * Minor bug fixes v1.9.29 Fixes: * Fixed a bug in anti-GodMode with a kick of the victim when shooting him from a long distance * Fixed a bug in anti-teleport hack with a kick after a teleport to the surface by the game when the player fell under the map in the vehicle * Fixed bypass in anti-ammo hack, when the cheater gave himself a negative value of ammo, thereby making them endless * Fixed bypass in anti-teleport hack in vehicle, when the cheater teleported at the time of entering the vehicle * Minor fixes and improvements v1.9.30 Changes: * Increased minimum speed for FlyHack detection * Increased waiting time for applying server functions in NOPs protection Fixes: * Tweaked anti-vehicle health hack and anti-GodMode in vehicle * Fixed bugs in anti-teleport when player exit the vehicle v1.9.31 Changes: * Improved FlyHack detection (onfoot) with different animations * Ability to include localization by yourself before including anticheat * Reduced the sensitivity of anti-SpeedHack for tank (modelid 432) * Changed anti-flood settings for public OnPlayerExitVehicle v1.9.32 Changes: * Added OnTrailerUpdate desync after the kick of cheater for the delay time (for r2 server version) * Added exclusion checks for NPCs in some publics Fixes: * Fixed prices for some tuning components in default modshops v1.9.33 Changes: * Increased the number of warnings for high ping before kick * Increased the minimum teleport distance for detect from 5 to 8 meters * Added a check in OnPlayerWeaponShot on the validity of the hitid Fixes: * Fixed a bypass in anti-teleport hack into vehicle passenger seat * Some fixes for anti-flood v1.9.34 Changes: * Improved protection from slappers in vehicle * AntiCheatGetSpeed function now returns the speed as an integer and can be used in fs * Minor optimization Fixes: * Fixed a check for shooting on the wheels of vehicle in anti-GodMode in vehicle * Fixed a bypass in anti-teleport hack, when the cheater could teleport to the coordinates he needed immediately after applying SetPlayerPos * Fixed a bug in anti-special actions hack with kick when player didn't apply some special actions in vehicle * Fixed the behavior of anti-weapon hack when player takes some weapons with 0 ammo v1.9.35 Changes: * Added protection against passenger seat spoofing when manipulating unoccupied vehicle * Minor optimization Fixes: * Fixed bug in anti-tuning crasher with kick when viewing paintjobs in default modshops * Fixed a bug in anti-FlyHack with kick during parachute flying while performing some special actions * Fixed a bypass in anti-teleport hack in vehicle, when the cheater could teleport to the coordinates he needed immediately after applying SetVehiclePos * Fixed a bug in anti-teleport hack with kick when exiting the train from the passenger seat
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