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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/01/2024 in all areas

  1. Username: views Nume resursa: server fivem Creator (sau editor): -- Poze/Video de prezentare: https://imgur.com/a/2L65D8I Link download: [Protected content] Alte precizări: Continut : - 55+ resurse optimizate - 135+ masini civili - 10+ masini la fiecare factiune(poltie,medici,jandarmi) + masini la fiecare mafie - Los Santos - Mapping pentru sectie/spital/jandarmeri/primarie/strazi etc - Save tunning - Inconite custom la garaje - Showroom custom - Meniu Asigurare + Birou Scoala auto (+mapping) - 5 mafii - Meniu Job Unic - Haine reale - Factiuni : Politie , Medici , Jandarmi + Skinuri la fiecare - Job-uri Ilegale : Traficant de droguri / Hacker - Joburi legale : Pizza HUT / Uber / Curier ++++ altele - Meniu Sponsor/Youtuber + 4 VIP-uri + Meniu Sniper etc - Radio Romanesc - Optimizare de 0.9-1.1 ms CPU (Pentru cunoscatori) TIN SA PRECIZEZ CA SERVERUL MAI ARE UNELE BUG-URI. *nu stiu daca are comenzi ascunse sau nu*
    2 points
  2. [Protected content]
    1 point
  3. Username: pericsq Nume gamemode: b-hood Creator (sau editor): hpq Poze/Video în care prezinți modul de joc: youtube.com/pericsq Link Virustotal: - Link download: [Protected content] Alte precizări: nu ofer support
    1 point
  4. HOW TO DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL VOICEMOD PRO V2.6.0.7 Extract the downloaded files, The password to extract will always be: SkkoL Run VoicemodSetup_2.6.0.7.exe and install the software Copy VoicemodDesktop.exe from the Crack folder into your installation directory, and replace the previous file You now have the full version of Voicemod Pro v2.6.0.7 installed on your PC DOWNLOAD: [Protected content]
    1 point
  5. The build of the RAGE Multiplayer server, in German, contains a small number of systems, as with any mod - there are bugs. Server version - 0.3.7, server part - C#, client part - JavaScript Systems that were detected during a quick test: Registration, authorization Character Creation Bicycle rental at spawn Inventory (?) Telephone (call taxi and police only) Bank and ATM system with PIN code Car dealership (several types of transport), personal cars for players. Licenses (?) Bus driver job Loader's work Garbage Man's Job Shop 24-7 Gas stations Garage system Taxi operating system Illegal drug dealing House system (?) Faction system (there are only FBI and Police) Admin system, some admin commands Gun shop How to install the server build: Unzip the archive to a location convenient for you. Create a database in MySQL called reallife. Import a table dump from the server folder, file - database.sql In the bridge\resources folder, open the project - resources.sln and edit the MySQL data in the file - bridge\resources\Roleplay\DatabaseAPI\API.cs. Build and compile the solution. Run server.exe Download: [Protected content]
    1 point
  6. RulePlay.Ro - ATLANTIS RP Download server: [Protected content]
    1 point
  7. Username:Narcis Nume gamemode:Gamemode asemanator eclipsed, are si panel in el. Creator (sau editor):Anuraki Poze/Video în care prezinți modul de joc:Puteti vedea chiar voi. Link Virustotal:https://www.virustotal.com/gui/url/ce962fdd3802900696231b93aae9513109155f772ca46a2f122018a313f30ca3?nocache=1 Link download: [Protected content] Alte precizări:Bafta.
    1 point
  8. Salut, eu sunt Adrian_ si am venit cu o postare cu un gamemode RAGE:MP de tip RPG asemanator SA:MP pentru cunoscatori. Tin sa mentionez ca eram la inceput cand am facut acest gamemode. Acesta a fost facut in node.js si a fost trecut pe typescript cu ajutorul lui ghosty si tin sa-i multumesc pe aceasta parte pentru mult ajutorul oferit. Mai jos aveti cateva informatii despre gamemode, este unul de inceput deci puteti continua cu usurinta pe el sau sa furati ceva, multa bafta! Nume: Adrian_ Tip gamemode: RPG Link download: [Protected content] Link VirusTotal: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/url/310b6842f70af5a48752bbe7cca1d86fc7e150edb11ecd1af7c90c66035ce0d4?nocache=1 Alte Precizari?: Tin sa mentionez ca gamemode-ul este facut in typescript. Nu contine foarte multe chestii, voi prezenta mai jos o lista cu ceea ce detine in momentul de fata. Lista: - Chat (React.JS old version) - Credite: HPQ123 - Admin System (incomplet) - Level system - Skin system - Levelup bazat pe respect points - Money / Bank money - Hud (HTML / CSS) - Driving School (incomplet) - PayDay Invidual + CEF (HTML / CSS) - Login UI + Register (HTML / CSS) - 3 masini custom adaugate - Weather api + timp setat automat pe Brasov / Romania (/setweather <oras>) - Altele le mai descoperiti voi prin el. EDIT: https://github.com/adriantandara/rage-adrian [AICI AVETI O VERSIUNE MAI AVANSATA]
    1 point
  9. Tineti-va de stomac, si furati, daca aveti ce fura ca asa cod prost n-au vazut toti stramosii mei de la peste incepand. Download: [Protected content] Daca sterge pseudo-scripteru videoclipu, aia e - - - edit: si-a scos orfanu clipu https://www.youtube.com/c/MihaiADV/videos
    1 point
  10. Chat in react: [Protected content]
    1 point
  11. xanis

    Full RPG gamemode

    Buna, Serverul pe care am facut nu a mers prea bine asa ca am decis sa fac gamemode public. Srv este facut in Limba sarba (sunt sarb ) asa ca o sa trebuie sa il traduceti. Sunt foarte multe features ca: -Biznis -Houses -Stats -Bank rob, jewelery rob, house rob, atm rob, store rob -Joburi ca fish, food delivery, electreician, miner si mai multe -Racing events -Challenges -Mafii si ganguri -Tunning -Casino -Telefon (naspa dar aveti la github la mine al nou care inca nu este gata) -Si mult mai multe... https://github.com/xaniz/rpv_ragemp
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. asta am vrut sa zic sa faci promocode pentru baieti ca altfel i dadeam delete la topic
    0 points
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