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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/20/2024 in all areas

  1. 1. Username: @ElCioby 2. Creator (sau editor): Edison 3. Poze/Video in care prezinti index-ul/tema/scriptul: nu am 4. Link Virustotal: - nu are (il verificati voi) 5. Link download (cu hide): [Protected content] Alte precizari: O vrut niste copii sa il vanda cu 50e asa ca mai bine il pun pe net =))
    1 point
  2. eCRE – Reverse Engineering Professional course Reverse Engineering Foundations The Necessary Theory: Part 1 The Necessary Theory: Part 2 The Necessary Theory: Part 3 VA/RVA/OFFSET and PE File Format Practical Reverse Engineering String References and Basic Patching Exploring the Stack Algorithm Reversing Windows Registry Manipulation File Manipulation Anti-Reversing Tricks: Part 1 Anti-Reversing Tricks: Part 2 Anti-Reversing Tricks: Part 3 Code Obfuscation Analyzing Packers and Manual Unpacking Debugging Multi-Thread Applications RAR PASSWORD: [Protected content] Download: [Protected content] [Protected content]
    1 point
  3. Username:RaduAdv(Detinator& Fondator red-zone) Nume gamemode: GAMEMODE red-zone rpg Creator (sau editor): HPQ123 PENTRU ALTE VIDEOURI CU GM CAUTATI PREZENTARE RED-ZONE RPG PE YOUTUBE!!!! Poze/Video în care prezinți modul de joc: Link Virustotal: Nu are fisiere exe Link download: [Protected content] Alte precizări:Macar daca l-a postat hpq fara include-uri, il postez eu cu totul.... voiam sa o fac de ceva timp dar am zis sa ii respect munca domnului Ionut. Acum v-am oferit pe bune garantia ca red-zone nu se va mai deschide nici-o data. Aviz ratatilor care ne-au distrus comunitatea:D
    1 point
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