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  1. This program will help you transform any photo in a 'nude' version of that person. Download (MEGA) - 2.04GB : [Protected content] Update: Due to it's popularity, I'll post an update about this program's state (working or not) once in a while! Take care! LIKE THE POST FOR MORE!
    1 point
  2. Username:Waller Nume resursa:ragemp gamemode Creator (sau editor):Waller Poze/Video de prezentare:n am Link download:[Protected content] Alte precizări:Salut, v-am dat un gamemode de rage:mp cu login de la marr, si un hud de la geo, restul este facut de mine, puteti sa il continuati si sa faceti ceva frumos, succes in continuare. Discord C# / JS help (ragemp):https://discord.gg/58YFceun Discord pawn / web developing (samp): https://discord.gg/NyTMpb48
    1 point
  3. Tineti-va de stomac, si furati, daca aveti ce fura ca asa cod prost n-au vazut toti stramosii mei de la peste incepand. Download: [Protected content] Daca sterge pseudo-scripteru videoclipu, aia e - - - edit: si-a scos orfanu clipu https://www.youtube.com/c/MihaiADV/videos
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  4. quix

    Simple ways to make money

    Raspunsuri la intrebarile de la Revolut (INCH) : Lesson 1 – Decentralised exchanges · Question #1: Who facilitates an exchange on a DEX? · Answer: No one. The exchange is made peer-to-peer. · Question #2: Which of the following is a decentralised exchange? · Answer: Uniswap. · Question #3: What does DEX stand for in crypto? · Answer: Decentralised exchange. Lesson 2 – How does 1inch get the best prices? · Question #1: What is the name of 1inch’s price search algorithm? · Answer: Pathfinder. · Question #2: How does 1inch find the best prices? · Answer: 1inch aggregates trade options across DEX platforms. · Question #3: Which of the following is not a feature of 1inch’s Pathfinder? · Answer: Provide directions to your destination. Lesson 3 – DAOs and governance · Question #1: Which of the following is a characteristic of a DAO? · Answer: Decentralised. · Question #2: Who can vote on 1inch proposals? · Answer: Users who stake their 1INCH tokens. · Question #3: What is an example of a proposal that 1inch DAO members could vote on? · Answer: Allocating treasury funds for a particular proposal. Mai jos aveti un tabel pentru a va usura treaba: Crypto basics answers table: Question Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Question 1: 3 3 1 2 Question 2: 2 4 4 4 Question 3: 1 1 2 1 Polkadot answers table: Question Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Question 1: 3 4 1 3 4 Question 2: 1 1 3 1 2 Question 3: 2 2 4 1 1 1inch answers table: Question Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Question 1: 4 4 4 Question 2: 3 1 2 Question 3: 1 3 1
    1 point
  5. quix

    Simple ways to make money

    Raspunsuri la intrebarile de la Revolut (DOT) - part 2 : Lesson 1 – Intro to Polkadot · Question #1: What are some limitations of early blockchains like Bitcoin? · Answer: Slow transaction speeds, high fees and inability to communicate with other blockchains. · Question #2: What is Web 3.0? · Answer: A new web built around decentralised technologies, where users have more control of their data. · Question #3: How does Polkadot address some of the limitations of earlier blockchains? · Answer: Polkadot allows multiple blockchains to communicate with each other and process transactions at the same time. Lesson 2 – How Polkadot works · Question #1: What is a relay chain? · Answer: A blockchain that connects other blockchains and allows them to communicate. · Question #2: What is a parachain? · Answer: A blockchain connects to the Relay chain and operates parallel to other parachains. · Question #3: What problems do parachains and relay chains solve? · Answer: The inability of blockchains to communicate with each other. Lesson 3 – Who decides the future of Polkadot · Question #1: Who can vote for new initiatives, i.e. Polkadot network upgrades? · Answer: People who hold Polkadot (DOT) tokens. · Question #2: What is Polkadots ‘on-chain’ treasury? · Answer: A container of tokens that can be used to support projects that benefit the Polkadot network. · Question #3: How does Polkadot’s governance system differ from other popular blockchains? · Answer: It’s governed by a community through voting. Lesson 4 – DOT Token · Question #1: What is Polkadot’s crypto token called? · Answer: DOT. · Question #2: What does ‘staking’ your Polkadot (DOT) tokens mean? · Answer: It helps secure the network by locking up DOT tokens in return for a reward in DOT tokens. · Question #3: What does ‘bonding’ your Polkadot tokens mean? · Answer: Locking up tokens to secure a slot for your para chain on the relay chain. Lesson 5 – Polkadot and its uses · Question #1: What are some use cases of Polkadot? · Answer: NFTs, powering smart cities, DeFi, etc. · Question #2: What makes apps built on Polkadot different from the apps on your phone? · Answer: Polkadot applications don’t need to rely on a middleman to work and can keep your data secure. · Question #3: How do applications on parachains communicate? · Answer: Via the Relay Chain.
    1 point
  6. quix

    Simple ways to make money

    Raspunsuri la intrebarile de la Revolut (DOT) - part 1 : Lesson 1 – Crypto vs fiat quiz answers · Question #1: What is ‘fiat’ money? · Answer: Government-issued money. · Question #2: What are the main differences between fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies? · Answer: Cryptocurrencies are decentralised, and a central authority controls fiat money. · Question #3: Who validates transactions on the blockchain? · Answer: Special users that are called ‘miners’ or validators. Lesson 2 – Cryptography in crypto · Question #1: Why is cryptography important for cryptocurrencies? · Answer: It (cryptography) removes the need for a central authority, prevents double spending, and adds security. · Question #2: What are private and public keys for cryptocurrencies? · Answer: A public key is like your account number, and your private key is like your password. · Question #3: Which statement is true about private and public keys? · Answer: It’s impossible to work out someone’s private key by looking at their public key. Lesson 3 – Basics of Blockchain · Question #1: What is a Blockchain? · Answer: A decentralised database. · Question #2: Who can view the Blockchain? · Answer: Anyone can view the Blockchain with a computer and an Internet connection. · Question #3: What makes the Blockchain different from a regular database? · Answer: It’s not controlled by any central party and can be viewed by anyone. Lesson 4 – Risks of crypto · Question #1: What regulatory protections does your crypto have? · Answer: None – crypto is not regulated in most countries worldwide. · Question #2: How much can you lose if you buy cryptocurrencies? · Answer: Everything! Your investment could go to zero. · Question #3: When would it not be suitable to buy cryptocurrencies? · Answer: When one is in debt or cannot afford to lose the money invested. O sa revin si cu un update pentru INCH!
    1 point
  7. Poza cu Speedometer-ul: Link Download Speedometer: [Protected content]
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  8. Poza cu Speedometer-ul: Link Download:[Protected content]
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  9. 1 point
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