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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/07/2019 in all areas

  1. Leonard

    Vand - gamemode & panel

    Topic locked.
    1 point
  2. Leonard


    ???? De ce ai face un foreach intr-un timer per player? ... nu-i logic ca e apelat la fiecare jucator in parte? Pentru a face un timer mai usor, foloseste-te de libraria YSI, mai exact de include-ul y_timers. ptask onPlayerSecondTimer[ 1000 ]( playerid ) { // your code return true; }
    1 point
  3. qRuby.


    Foloseste-te de YSI Timers (y_timers). ptask UpdateTime[1000](playerid) { foreach(Player, i) { new Str[34]; TimeS --; if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pChestie] == 1) { if(TimeM == 0 && TimeS == 0) { PlayerInfo[playerid][pChestie] = 0; SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "mesaj"); PlayerTextDrawDestroy(playerid, Textdraw0); KillTimer(Time); } if(TimeS == -1) { TimeM--; TimeS = 59; } if(TimeS<10) { format(Str, sizeof(Str), "%d:0%d", TimeM, TimeS); } if(TimeS>9) { format(Str, sizeof(Str), "%d:%d", TimeM, TimeS); } } } return 1; } P.S: cand a facut prima tura sa se porneasca timer-ul prin "defer UpdateTime(playerid);"
    1 point
  4. Leonard

    Warmania Gametracker

    Succes cu proiectul.
    1 point
  5. L0K3D

    Vand - gamemode & panel

    1 point
  6. 0 points
  7. keNN.


    Bravo coaie.
    0 points
  8. Dupa cum a spus si Tud0r, e foarte prost facut si optimizat.
    0 points
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